DC Universe
2017 - 26. Justice League
- HDzeta Exclusive [Blu-ray - Double Lenticular Edition] [CHINA]
2017 - 25. Wonder Woman
- [Blu-ray - DigiBook] [USA]
- [Blu-ray 4K UHD - Steelbook] [Germany]
- HDzeta Exclusive [Blu-ray Gold Laber Double Lenticular Edition] [CHINA]
- HDzeta Exclusive [Blu-ray Steelbook] [China]
- MantaLab Exclusive [Blu-ray Steelbook] [Hong Kong]
- [Blu-ray Steelbook] [Sweden]
- [Blu-ray Steelbook] [Italy]
- [MantaLab Exclusive One Click] [Hong Kong]
- [MantaLab Exclusive Fullslip] [Hong Kong]
2016 - 24. Suicide Squad
- [Blu-ray 4K UHD - Steelbook] [IT]
2016 - 23. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
- [Blu-ray - Steelbook - Ultimate Edition] [PL]
- [Blu-ray 4K UHD - Amaray] [USA]
2013 - 22. Man of Steel
- [Blu-ray 3D - Futurepak] [Korea]
- [Blu-ray 3D - Limited Collector's Edition] [PL]
2012 - 21. The Dark Knight Rises
- Amazon Exclusive [Blu-ray - Steelbook's] [DE]
2011 - 20. Green Lantern
2010 - 19. Jonah Hex
2009 - 18. Watchmen
- Play.com Exclusive [Blu-ray Steelbook] [UK]
2008 - 17. The Dark Knight
- [Blu-ray - Limited Steelbook] [UK]
- Amazon Exclusive [Blu-ray - Steelbook's] [DE]
2006 - 16. Superman: Returns
2006 - 15. V for Vendetta
2005 - 14. Batman Begins
- [Blu-ray - Limited Steelbook] [UK]
- Amazon Exclusive [Blu-ray - Steelbook's] [DE]
2005 - 13. Constantine
- Manta Lab Exclusive [Blu-ray - Steelbook] [Hong Kong]
2004 - 12. Catwoman
1997 - 11. Batman & Robin
1995 - 10. Batman Forever
1992 - 9. Batman Returns
- [Blu-ray Steelbook] [USA]
1989 - 8. Batman
- [Blu-ray Steelbook] [USA]
1987 - 7. Superman IV
1984 - 6. Supergirl
1983 - 5. Superman III
1982 - 4. The Swamp Thing
1980 - 3. Superman II
1978 - 2. Superman
1966 - 1. Batman: The Movie

Animated Movies
2016 - 1. Batman: Bad Blood
- Target Exclusive [Blu-ray - Steelbook] [USA]