Title: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Release Date: 28.03.2017
Country/Region: Italy / [Free]
Number of disc's: 2 [1x 4K UHD + 1x Blu-ray]
Title: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1
Release Date: 28.03.2017
Country/Region: Italy / [Free]
Number of disc's: 2 [1x 4K UHD + 1x Blu-ray]
Title: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Release Date: 28.03.2017
Country/Region: Italy / [Free]
Number of disc's: 2 [1x 4K UHD + 1x Blu-ray]
Title: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Release Date: 28.03.2017
Country/Region: Italy / [Free]
Number of disc's: 2 [1x 4K UHD + 1x Blu-ray]
Title: Blair Witch
Release Date: 23.01.2017
Country/Region: UK / [B]
Number of disc's: 1 [Blu-ray]
Title: Arrival + Passengers + Life
Release Date: 06.09.2017
Country/Region: France / [Free]
Number of disc's: 6 [3x 4K UHD + 3x Blu-ray]
Title: Unforgiven
Release Date: 24.05.2017
Country/Region: France / [Free]
Number of disc's: 4 [1x 4K UHD + 1x Blu-ray + 2x DVD]
Title: London Has Fallen
Release Date: 18.07.2016
Country/Region: UK / [B]
Number of disc's: 1 [Blu-ray]
Title: The Blair Witch Project
Release Date: 23.01.2017
Country/Region: UK / [B]
Number of disc's: 1 [Blu-ray]
Title: Wonder Woman
Release Date: 02.11.2017
Country/Region: Germany / [Blu-ray - B]
Number of disc's: 2 [1xUHD + 1xBlu-ray]
Title: The Thing
Release Date: 23.10.2017
Country/Region: UK / [B]
Number of disc's: 1 [Blu-ray]