Title: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Release Date: 2016
Country: UK
Title: The X-Files: The Complete Ninth Season
Release Date: 08.12.2015
Country/Region: USA / [Free]
Number of disc's: 6 [6xBlu-ray]
Title: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Release Date: 14.08.2016
Country/Region: Poland / [Free]
Number of disc's: 2 [Blu-ray Theatrical Cut, Blu-ray Extended cut]
Title: Jurassic Park: Ultimate Trilogy [Jurassic Park], [The Lost World: Jurassic Park], [Jurassic Park III]
Release Date: 27.11.2011
Country/Region: Germany / [Free]
Number of disc's: 6 [3xBlu-ray, 3xDVD]
Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Release Date: 26.10.2007
Country/Region: Poland / [B]
Number of disc's: 4 [4xDVD]
Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Release Date: 26.10.2007
Country/Region: Poland / [B]
Number of disc's: 4 [4xDVD]
Title: The Lion King
Release Date: 08.12.2014
Country/Region: UK / [Free]
Number of disc's: 2 [Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray]
Collection: The Zavvi Disney Collection #26
Title: Tangled
Release Date: 10.11.2014
Country/Region: UK / [Free]
Number of disc's: 2 [Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray]
Collection: The Zavvi Disney Collection #28
Title: Ghostbusters II
Release Date: 08.09.2014
Country/Region: UK / [Free]
Number of disc's: 1 [Blu-ray]
Title: Ghostbusters
Release Date: 05.11.2012
Country/Region: UK / [Free]
Number of disc's: 1 [Blu-ray]