Title: Guardians of the Galaxy
Release Date: 2.12.2014
Country/Region: Poland / [Free]
Number of disc's: 2 [Blu-ray 3D, Blu-ray]

Title: Schindler's List
Release Date: 11.04.2013
Country/Region: Poland / [Free]
Number of disc's: 2 [Blu-ray, DVD]

Title: The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
Release Date: 17.11.2015
Country/Region: Poland / [Free]
Number of disc's: 5 [2xBlu-ray 3D, 3xBlu-ray]

Title: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Release Date: 07.11.2014
Country/Region: Poland / [Free]
Number of disc's: 5 [2xBlu-ray 3D, 3xBlu-ray]

Title: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Release Date: 08.11.2013
Country/Region: Poland / [Free]
Number of disc's: 5 [2xBlu-ray 3D, 3xBlu-ray]

Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Motion Picture Trilogy [Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring,
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King]

Release Date: 08.06.2011
Country/Region: Poland / [Free]
Number of disc's: 15 [6xBlu-ray, 9xDVD]

Title: Monsters: The Essential Collection [Dracula, Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, The Wolf Man,
The Mummy, The Invisible Man, Phantom of the Opera, Creature from the Black Lagoo]

Release Date: 2012
Country/Region: UK / [Free]
Number of disc's: 8

Title: Avatar 3D
Release Date: 2012
Country/Region: Poland / [Free]
Number of disc's: 2 [1xBlu-ray 3D, 1xDVD]

Title: Minions
Release Date: 2015
Country/Region: Poland / [B]
Number of disc's: 2 [1xBlu-ray 3D, 1xBlu-ray 2D]

Title: The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
Release Date: 2014
Country/Region: USA / [A-B]
Number of disc's: 2 [1xBlu-ray, 1xDVD]

Title: Rocky: The Undisputed Collection (Rocky, Rocky II, Rocky III, Rocky IV, Rocky V, Rocky Balboa, Bonus Disc)
Release Date: 2009
Country/Region: UK / [B], [A-B-C], [A-B-C], [A-B-C], [A-B-C], [B], [A-B-C]
Number of disc's: 7

Title: Avatar
Release Date: 2010
Country/Region: Poland / [B-C]
Number of disc's: 3 [3xBlu-ray]
